Zyra e Inspektorit të Përgjithshëm

Office of the General Inspector, represented by acting General Inspector Mrs. Lyra Osmani Ahmeti is attending the OPSS International Regulatory Conference 2023 in London, UK, as delegate from Government of Republic of Kosova and deliver a presentation on Inspection Reform Process in Kosova, opportunities and challenges.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards in the Department for Business and Trade is organizing the conference for the sixth time with a theme “Effective regulation for growth, trade and innovation”. The key objective of the conference was discussion on how to create regulations and standards that enable growth, allow enterprise and innovation to flourish and support trade, all whilst protecting consumers, communities and the environment.

This conference created the opportunity to share and learn examples of good regulatory practices around the world.

Special thanks goes to “Investment Climate Acceleration” (ICA) Project implemented by International Financial Corporation (IFC) in cooperation with Swiss Economic Cooperation and Development (SECO) for supporting the Government of Kosova to attend the conference.