The inspection system in Kosovo is undergoing a major reform led by the Office of the Inspector General of Kosovo, within the Prime Minister’s Office, based on the recently approved ...
The Office of the Inspector General is the Executive Agency within the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, created to coordinate the system of inspections in ...
The Office of the Inspector General organized workshops with local and international IFC experts on 25-26.06.2024, related to the public risk and benefit models that inspectorates currently offer. During the ...
The Office of the Inspector General organized workshops on the proportionality of fines that are imposed in inspection processes and the assessment of the impact of regulatory inspections on businesses ...
The Office of the Inspector General held the workshop on the draft law for the harmonization of special laws with Law no. 08/L-067 on Inspections, this very important step towards ...
We finished the study visit in Naples, Italy In the framework of the comprehensive reform of the inspection system in the Republic of Kosovo, the Office of the Inspector General ...
The three-day workshop (March 25-27, 2024) on “Concrete Application of the Guidelines for Joint Inspections and the Guidelines on Mandatory Data Requests”, organized by the Office of the Inspector General, ...
The Office of the Inspector General, today on 22.03.2024, held the next and last workshop for these two weeks on the topic “Inspections based on risk assessment methodology”, with inspectors ...
The Office of the Inspector General, today on 21.03.2024, held the next workshop on the topic “Inspections based on risk assessment methodology”, with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Central ...
The Office of the Inspector General, today on 20.03.2024, held the next workshop on the topic “Inspections based on risk assessment methodology”, with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Central ...
The Office of the Inspector General, today on 19.03.2024, held the next workshop on the topic “Inspections based on risk assessment methodology”, with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Central ...
The Office of the General Inspector, today on 18.03.2024, held the next workshop on the topic “Inspections based on risk assessment methodology”, with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Health, ...
The General Inspectorate held a workshop this Friday led by international expert Mr. Macrae on the topic “Risk-Based Inspections Methodology,” with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Central Labor Inspectorate ...
The General Inspectorate held a workshop today led by international expert Mr. Macrae on the topic “Risk-Based Inspections Methodology,” with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Environmental, Water, Nature, Spatial ...
The General Inspectorate held a workshop today led by international expert Mr. Macrae on the topic “Risk-Based Inspections Methodology,” with chief inspectors and inspectors from the Central Inspectorates of Agriculture, ...
Today, the General Inspectorate held a one-day workshop on “Risk-Based Inspections Methodology,” with representatives from ministerial cabinets, preceding subsequent workshops with Central Inspectorates to establish risk criteria as a basis ...
The inspection system in Kosovo is undergoing a significant reform led by the Office of the General Inspectorate of Kosovo, within the Office of the Prime Minister, based on the ...
The General Inspector, Mrs. Lyra Osmani Ahmeti, participated in the Regional Forum for Labor Rights held on December 7-8 in Pristina, with the participation of leaders from relevant institutions in ...
The first international conference KosovaPAR2023 was held in Prishtina on November 22-24, 2023 with the theme: “Public Administration Reform for an Agile and Resilient Governance”. This conference was attended by ...
The General Inspectorate Office held a meeting with the Central Inspectorate in Tirana. As part of the collaboration between the two governments, in implementation of the memorandum of cooperation between ...
Office of the General Inspector, with the support from the EU and Germany, is working to make inspections more efficient for businesses and citizens. Together, we will ensure inspections are ...
Office of the General Inspector, represented by acting General Inspector Mrs. Lyra Osmani Ahmeti is attending the OPSS International Regulatory Conference 2023 in London, UK, as delegate from Government of ...
The General Inspectorate Office, in collaboration with the USAID Economic Governance Program in Kosovo, organized a roundtable discussion with representatives from civil society organizations, considering the crucial role of civil ...
The General Inspectorate Office, in collaboration with GIZ Kosovo, organized a roundtable discussion on competencies and inter-institutional cooperation among the Inspectorates, Police, and Prosecution. Representatives from all central inspectorates in ...
The General Inspectorate Office, with the support of the CERP/World Bank project, has conducted a study visit in Ljubljana, Slovenia, to understand best practices in the field of inspections and ...
The Office of the General Inspector (OGI), in collaboration with the USAID Economic Governance Program in Kosovo, organized a roundtable discussion with representatives from the private sector regarding inspection reform. ...